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Appunti universitari condivisi: innovation and technology management Curriculum entrepreneurship

LM-77 - Scienze economico-aziendali - Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

The Master of Science in Innovation and Technology Management is a two-year program designed for students who want to develop multidisciplinary skills suited to the new business contexts generated by the innovations that accompany the so-called Industry 4.0.
There is a revolution that invests both providers and users of technologies and infrastructures. The program wants to create flexible professional profiles capable of understanding the potential of product and process technologies and generating new market spaces and new business opportunities. The student can choose between two paths: the Innovation process management path offers an overall view of organizational processes and the innovation processes affecting them; it is for students aiming at working in managerial roles demanding a macro-perspective to the company’s transformation. The Entrepreneurship path provides the entrepreneurial, financial and marketing knowledge that support the ability of enhancing innovation and marketing such innovation; it is for students interested in acquiring entrepreneurial attitudes and promoting innovation in small and mid-sized enterprises.
The Master Program is entirely taught in English. It combines sound methodological and analytical skills with applications and business practices. The Ms ITEM is the result of a collaboration between the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. The teaching calendar is organized in three quarters (Fall, Winter and Spring terms). Applicants who are non-native speakers of English must provide evidence of English language proficiency. For any further information refer to the graduate program website. Attendance is strongly recommended.

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