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Appunti universitari condivisi: safety assessment of xenobiotics and biotechnological products - valutazione della sicurezza di xenobiotici e prodotti biotecnologici

LM-9 - Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche - Università degli Studi di Milano

The aim of the Master course in Safety Assessment of Xenobiotics and Biotechnological Products is to provide specific knowledge in the analysis and the assessment of risk, taking into account the current international standards. Objective of the course is to provide the students with knowledge necessary to initiate research on the novel methodologies to be applied in the field of risk assessment and to achieve professional competence in assessing risks arising from production and use of chemicals and biotechnological products, through integrated training in legislation, chemistry, toxicology and pharmacology, biotechnology, and risk analysis.
Programme structure
The course lasts two years. To obtain qualification (2nd level degree) students are required to accumulate 120 credits.
First-year courses are aimed at strengthening theoretical and practical skills already acquired by students during first degree instruction. Special emphasis will be given to the analysis and the resolution of safety-relevant tasks associated with the exposure to xenobiotics and biotechnology products with the definition of relevant decisions. During the 2nd year, students are addressed to specific fields (i.e. drugs, pesticides, cosmetics, etc ..), with practical applications and introduction to dedicated regulatory and decision-making frameworks.
In order to be awarded the final diploma, the student is required to present and discuss an original thesis on a topic chosen among the subject matter of the biennium. Objective of the examination is to assess students' level of ability and achievement when individually developing a full assessment of risk by integrating the various elements of the evaluation process.
Admission criteria
Students meeting the requirements listed in the Programme official description are invited to an interview for admission (in English). The interview, done remotely via electronic devices if necessary, is aimed at verifying students' preparation and the knowledge of the English language.
Professional profile and employment opportunities
Professional qualification achieved could be employed by Public administration for the control, implementation and management of human health and environmental protection; Companies in the sector of Food, Cosmetics, Pharma, Chemicals and Biotech; Contract Research Organization for the drug and chemical toxicity testing; Private sectors as consultants for RA of chemicals, food contaminants, water and air pollutants; Public and Private Research Institutions.

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