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Appunti universitari condivisi: artificial intelligence and data engineering

LM-32 - Ingegneria informatica - Università degli studi di Pisa

The MSc (laurea magistralis) provides a solid in-depth education that enables the graduates to design and implement, on one side, systems for efficiently managing large amount of data and extracting useful knowledge from these data, and, on the other, intelligent systems by exploiting artificial intelligence techniques. The MSc advances the students' knowledge portfolio, in both computer infrastructures for intensive data management, and methods for data analytics and artificial intelligence. These competences allow graduates to interact with professionals in different domains and contexts where data processing is required, as well as to complete their mastering of computer engineering.

The course is structured to admit not only students with already a strong background in computer engineering, but also students coming from different disciplines with at least a proper knowledge of computer programming. Graduates in computer engineering will have the opportunity to go in-depth into engineering and methodological disciplines; the graduates in other disciplines will complete their knowledge of base methodologies of computer engineering, including operating systems, computer networks, databases, algorithms and advanced programming. Then, all students are presented with the following subjects: optimization techniques and game theory, business processes and entrepreneurship, non-relational databases, distributed databases, query optimization, data warehouses, cloud computing and infrastructures, multimedia information management, data mining and machine learning, computational intelligence and deep learning, process mining and intelligence, symbolic artificial intelligence, swarm and evolutionary intelligence.

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Sbocchi lavorativi
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