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Appunti universitari condivisi: computer engineering Curriculum cyber-physical systems

LM-32 - Ingegneria informatica - Università degli studi di Pisa

The MSc (laurea magistralis) provides its students with a solid and in-depth education, in line with the needs of innovation in the field of computer engineering. The course further advances the students' knowledge portfolio in both the fundamental sciences and the engineering disciplines. This allows graduates to interact with engineering professionals from all backgrounds, as well as to complete their mastering of computer engineering.

The course includes a first part, which goes in-depth into methodological and engineering disciplines and completes the expertise on computer engineering. Students are then presented with the follow-ing subjects: mobile computing, distributed systems and applications, software systems engineering, intelligent systems. In order to complete their MSc, students can then choose among three tracks, namely: Computer Systems and Networks, Cyber-physical systems, and Cybersecurity. The first one advances further on large-scale computing and networking infrastructures, the second one provides students with expertise on embedded systems and the internet of things, and, finally, the last one fo-cuses on the design of secure systems and applications.

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Sbocchi lavorativi
Analisti e progettisti di software - (
Analisti di sistema - (
Analisti e progettisti di applicazioni web - (
Specialisti in reti e comunicazioni informatiche - (
Analisti e progettisti di basi dati - (
Amministratori di sistemi - (
Specialisti in sicurezza informatica - (
Ingegneri progettisti di calcolatori e loro periferiche - (
Ricercatori e tecnici laureati nelle scienze ingegneristiche industriali e dell’informazione - (